How I Use the 3 Questions for Student Leadership

Today, I’m going to layout a little bit of the strategy of how I’m using the 3 questions to train and equip student leaders. If you’re not familiar with what the three questions are, I would encourage you to go read this first. Now that you’ve read it, here we …

The Redundancy of Leadership

Do you know the hardest part of writing a blog? The consistency of having to write another post. It comes up three times each week, like clockwork. Ministry is the same. Sunday is always right around the bend (or Wednesday for many youth ministers). Farming was the same. No matter …

Practicing the 3 Questions

I had a humbling experience last week. One of my peers in youth ministry, who has been a big supporter of my blog to this point, posted a picture of his computer screen. What made it humbling was the side of his monitor where he had written the 3 questions …

Clean Your Lenses

Have you ever noticed that experts in a certain field seem to see things differently than you? Sometimes, it’s not even experts. Hunters have a language that is all their own, as do mechanics, policemen, teachers, musicians, and every other interest, hobby, occupation, career, or calling. Just the other day …

Do Not Fear Criticism

Happy Independence Day! Last week I wrote a blog post, scheduled it, and published it, but I had one problem with it: I thought I could have done better. The title, in my opinion, was way better than the content. (You can read it here and judge for yourself) The …

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