I have the benefit of knowing the C25K app will help me build up my endurance. In leadership, we don’t always have that assurance.
Building Trust
One of the joys of leadership is bringing new people alongside and letting them lead. One of the risks in leadership is deciphering how much rope a new person should be given. So, how do we decide how much freedom to give a new person? Easy – relationships. Occasionally, as …
Learn and Grow
Short post today, but I’ve been thinking a lot lately about mistakes and mishaps. I blog on this regularly, partly because it’s a fear of mine. I fear mistakes. I fear a mistake means I’m not good enough. I fear a mistake means I’m not valuable. Ultimately, I don’t fear …
3 People Who Need a Note From You
Hey, you there. You reading this. I’m talking to you. Today’s post isn’t a pie in the sky theoretical thing. It’s a nuts and bolts post. Aimed directly at Student Pastors, but applicable to anyone in leadership. Did you know the most read post on my blog in 2017 was …
When Mistakes Are Not Mistakes, pt 3
We’ve all been there–the frustration of leading. You pour hours into a project or event or relationship, only to experience sub-par results. Or you have to make a decision in the moment, only to realize later you made the wrong choice. Anyone who has been in a leadership role can …