Lessons from the Farm: When to Stop

Welcome to our 2nd year of Lessons from the Farm! Click here to read posts from last year. I grew up working with my dad on his farm. We raised cattle, wheat, cotton, and whatever else he thought would make a profit. Lucky for me, I learned a few things …

The Last Little Bit

I am very excited about what’s coming up in April. Last year I did a series I called “Lessons from the Farm”, and starting next week, I am going to revive the series with new posts and leadership lessons. But first, let’s talk about pushing through. Last summer my wife …

Get More From a Phone Call

Have you ever done Amway? Or something similar? Years ago, when my wife and I were fresh out of college with a baby in diapers, we found ourselves in a group of people selling Amway (or the North American branch). The experience was what you would expect. We had no …

Changing Environments

I have a very bad habit of driving somewhere, putting my vehicle in park, and sitting in the vehicle for a while before I get out. Sometimes, I do this because I’m listening to sports radio and want to hear the end of the thought being expressed, or maybe I’m …

When It Clicks

Developing student leaders is a slow process. It takes time, patience, repetition, and lots of reminders. But, when a student gets “it”, very little compares. Over the past year I’ve had several discussions with one of our students, giving her permission to take ownership of running the computer on a …

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