I think looking back is important. I find encouragement in data. But the most important thing is looking forward. As we look forward for 3 Question Leadership and 2019, I can’t wait for what comes next. Until 2019, as we get fully settled into December, I thought I would take …
Check It Out: Recent Musings
Well, this week is just going to be a little different altogether. On Tuesday, I posted about my oldest daughter turning 11. Today, I would like to share a few posts whose concepts and ideas have crossed my mind this week, so get ready for a few links. But before …
Check It Out: Carey Nieuwhof on Church Attendance
The past couple months have been a unique experience for me, for far too many reasons to list. As a result, however, the dialogues and evaluations taking place in my mind recently provide more questions than answers. One thing occupying my mind recently is simply the state of the local …
Landmarks and Memories
Sometimes I wonder if everyone operates the same way I do. Today, let’s find out. When I drive by certain landmarks and have a memory come to mind, it is generally something I was listening to at the time. As a result, I can drive by a windmill and remember …
Where We Are With 3 Questions
About 2 years ago I stumbled onto what I consider a pretty simple concept. It actually happened on a Sunday I took off, and was the result of evaluating a story I heard. Kind of crazy how things like that happen. The bottom line is this: about 2 years ago, …