The Simplicity of 3QL

The genesis of my blogging adventure began with a simple concept: sharing three questions I started teaching students leaders to ask and answer in an attempt to expand their leadership influence. If you’re new to 3QL, I would encourage you to go check out the Foundation to see a short …

Learning to Ask for Help

I had a conversation with a student last night. It’s slowly becoming one of my favorite leadership conversations to have with teenagers. There are some changes in the future (I’ll post more about that in a few weeks), but this student runs the computer on Wednesday nights at church. He …

It’s All About Perspective

Do you remember being a child and watching clouds, trying to imagine what shape they’re making? “Ooh, there’s a lion.” “Whoa, look at the mountain!” “Hey, that looks like a centaur attacking a cat.” As a parent, I thoroughly enjoy hearing my girls talk about what a cloud looks like, …

Make 2019 The Best Yet

What was your biggest takeaway from 2017? Yes, that’s right, not 2018, but what did you learn from the effort you put forth in 2017? Do you have a formal review process to check over at the end of a year? Do you have an informal one? Do you have …

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