Podcast Week: Quick Hits

To wrap up Podcast week, I’m going to rapid fire a few of my favorite listens: 5 Leadership Questions is a strong podcast that deals with church leadership specifically. Up First is an NPR podcast I’ve started listening to each morning. It covers about 3 major news stories each day, …

Podcast Week: StoryBrand

Today I’m going to continue sharing a podcast that is on my regular rotation. But first, a little perspective. I don’t listen only to ministry related or sermon based podcasts. I like to have a variety of podcasts ready, depending on what area I’d like to hone. As i mentioned …

Podcast Week – CNLP

Can I confess something? Reading is a discipline for me, and one I’m not very good at practicing.  But, I make up for it with the sheer number of podcasts to which I listen. The topics cover sports, leadership, business, news, and sheer entertainment.  This week, I’m going to share …

Today’s Decisions. Tomorrow’s Direction.

Have you ever done something you never thought you would do? For me, it’s running. I used to think people who ran 5K races were crazy. Now, I’m one of the crazies. I’ve run 5Ks (including one during a vacation), 5 mile races, 10Ks and even a half marathon. Every …

Check It Out: Perspective

Back in May, I posted a series called “Lessons from the Farm.” Today’s Check it Out is a link back to the first in that series, titled “Perspective.” What happens when the wheels literally fall off? Click to find out. http://wp.me/p8lYoA-3N 

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