Some of my favorite lessons in leadership come from on the job experience and evaluation. A few years ago, while on a trip, I waged a battle in my head, and wrote about my learning from it. Today, we are stepping back to that lesson. Here’s a glimpse: Our trip …
Cast the Vision, Not the Path
So much of leadership is about casting vision. Looking at what is and painting a picture of what could be. So much of developing student leaders is helping them catch the vision so they can cast it down the road. Some students will naturally respond to opportunities, almost instinctively seeing …
When “No” is the Best Answer
I think I’m a bit of a unicorn. Why? Because my cheesy pickup line effectiveness is 100%. In other words, the woman to whom I’m married, fell in love with my clever charm and wit from the beginning. Okay, maybe not. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’m 1 …
Flashback Friday #5
One concept I’ve written about captures my mind almost more than all the others, and it’s today’s flashback. The Horizon of Possibility is something I love thinking about, and something I use constantly. This week, in fact, the concept has been used in at least two conversations, and I love …
Is This the Worst Student Leadership Mistake?
What do you do when you have a student who shows great leadership potential? Over the course of my ministry experience I’ve had a few students who seem to be a step ahead of their peers when it comes to reading and understanding a room. They have an intuition about …