Time for Evaluation

On Sunday I was asked if I’m more or less busy with all the changes. The question came from genuine curiosity, and sparked introspection. In all honesty, my schedule is a little more wide open. I have evenings free, for the most part. No practices, no games, no track meets, …

Train Student Leaders

Last week I shared a couple thoughts I had about developing student leaders during this unprecedented experience. Today, I’m executing one of those ideas. I’m doing an online leadership workshop for my small group of student leaders. Just to recap: they applied to be on the team in January, and …

Leaders Cast Vision

Leaders cast vision. In the midst of uncertainty, when no one knows what may come next, leaders cast vision. I am fascinated by COVID19 and the rapid pace of change all around us. Every day new information bombards us, causing more shifts in reality. So, as a leader, how do …

Student Leadership Development and COVID19

Back when I was starting to help develop what we now call Horizon Leadership Camp, I set out to ask as many youth minsters as possible one question: What are you doing to develop student leaders? In the process of asking the question, I came to a conclusion: developing student …

3 Tips to Navigate an Unclear Future

We are living in a strange time. I have so many thoughts and questions about what is happening all around us, but so few answers. I would not say I’m worried about COVID19, but more worried about the implications it carries for the next few weeks. Every day for the …

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