Always Growing

I never want to stop growing in knowledge and experience. I want to take steps everyday that help me move down a path in life.

4 Hacks to Put 3QL In Practice

Once we nail down what needs to be done, and are able to determine our willingness to accomplish that task moving forward, we are faced with the third question, the question of leadership: Who am I going to invite/include/empower/equip/enable to help me meet the need?

We All Need a Little Reminder

Sometimes those distractions keep us from focusing on what requires focus in front of us. Sometimes we need a reminder of the foundational things in life.

In Memory of My Friend Lori

I lost a good friend to cancer last week. She was close to my age, and a youth minister. Because this has become something I do, I thought I would process a few thoughts about Lori today. (You can read her beautiful obit here.) I met Lori a few years …

The Best Mindset for Training

When I’m able to help my adults steps forward and become better, stronger, more equipped leaders, then we both win.

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