The Redundancy of Leadership

Do you know the hardest part of writing a blog? The consistency of having to write another post. It comes up three times each week, like clockwork. Ministry is the same. Sunday is always right around the bend (or Wednesday for many youth ministers). Farming was the same. No matter …

3 Questions & Hurricane Harvey Relief

Would you like to know a secret? The 3 Questions are not a new concept. They were birthed out of observation more than anything else. I simply put the thoughts into a process, which is far from revolutionary. A contemporary example of how we can answer the three questions in …

Practicing the 3 Questions

I had a humbling experience last week. One of my peers in youth ministry, who has been a big supporter of my blog to this point, posted a picture of his computer screen. What made it humbling was the side of his monitor where he had written the 3 questions …

Clean Your Lenses

Have you ever noticed that experts in a certain field seem to see things differently than you? Sometimes, it’s not even experts. Hunters have a language that is all their own, as do mechanics, policemen, teachers, musicians, and every other interest, hobby, occupation, career, or calling. Just the other day …

A Lesson from a Busy Street

Yesterday, after making a hospital visit, I sat in my suburban and watched as a student driver tried to parallel park two spots in front of me. (If it had been the spot directly in front of me, I may not have been as patient.) The car pulled up, waited …

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