If you were going to ask someone you lead what their goal is, how would they answer? More importantly, would their answer match yours?
What’s Your Rhythm?
I served at my last church for almost 7 years. In addition to the ministry I was able to lead and participate in, one of the things I am most grateful for during my time was the unofficial mentoring relationships I was able to establish. In that unofficial mentoring, one …
Lessons from the Farm: Learn the Hacks
I was very fortunate growing up working on the farm. Our tractors always had air conditioners. The A/C may not have always functioned perfectly, but the tractors were equipped. They also had cabs. They may not sound like an important distinction, but it is. That means our tractors were relatively …
Lessons from the Farm: Build Around the Water
Somewhere before or after my senior year of high school (I forget which), we underwent a major construction project on the farm. We tore down our existing corrals (part of which had been there for nearly 100 years!) and built a new set. This was my largest construction project to …
Think Trails, Not Highways
Sometimes when I write, I formulate ideas as I go. Okay, maybe a lot of the time. That’s why last Thursday’s post (Cast the Vision, Not the Path) has been replaying in my mind. Do I truly think for leadership, it’s beneficial to set the destination and let someone else …