Lessons from the Farm: Adapt and Innovate

My dad is my hero. Part of why I value my time growing up working on the farm is all of the time I got to spend with him along the way. For some reason, there’s one conversation that has stuck in my mind for close to 20 years. It’s …

Lessons from the Farm: Efficiency Isn’t Flashy

I started driving a tractor by myself around age 7, maybe 8. It’s not as dangerous as it may seem because I only went about 3.5 mph most of the time, and it’s difficult to do much damage at that high rate of sloth-ness. As I got older, I realized …

Lessons from the Farm: Fill the Water Jug

Do you remember the old school Tupperware? When I was growing up, we had some pieces of Tupperware that were (not-so) beautiful shades of orange, green, and brown. Ironically, they kind of matched our shag carpet. One of the best uses I remember for the Tupperware was to fill it …

Lessons from the Farm: Building Fence

I’m continuing our lessons from the farm series today. You can click here to read the previous post. Today, let’s talk about fences. Every field I talked about Tuesday was surround by a fence. Here’s the thing about fence: A great fence is great because of great labor. Someone who …

Train Student Leaders

Last week I shared a couple thoughts I had about developing student leaders during this unprecedented experience. Today, I’m executing one of those ideas. I’m doing an online leadership workshop for my small group of student leaders. Just to recap: they applied to be on the team in January, and …

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