Routines vs Ruts

I have a dirt driveway. Well, part of it is dirt, and part is caliche. When it rains, the dirt turns to mud (obviously), and I avoid driving through the mud. Sounds simple right? I avoid the mud for two reasons: I hate getting my suburban muddy and I hate …

Landmarks and Memories

Sometimes I wonder if everyone operates the same way I do. Today, let’s find out. When I drive by certain landmarks and have a memory come to mind, it is generally something I was listening to at the time. As a result, I can drive by a windmill and remember …

The Tension of the 3rd Question

Last week I went to camp. One of my roles at camp was to teach leadership to a group of 12 students. What I did not anticipate, however, was the leadership challenge I was going to face in the process. The kids were great. They were willing to step up …

Avoid Getting Distracted

I love grilling. Over the past six years, especially, I have started to experiment more and more with recipes, rubs, and types of meat. It has been a wonderful journey. Last night, unfortunately, I was reminded of something: I am not an expert, and I cannot multi-task very well. We …

Communicating Expectations

You know, for someone who has written 150+ blog posts about leadership, you might think I would learn some of my own stuff along the way. Last week we took a trip, and one of the biggest tensions on the trip was the realization that I had not clearly communicated …

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