Taking the Leadership Leap

I don’t write about the three questions regularly these days, but that doesn’t mean they don’t impact me. After all, this blog is named after them. Just a quick refresher, the three questions are: What needs to be done? (Awareness) What can I do? (Willingness) Who can I get to …

3 Tips to Help Pick Your Spots

Pick your spots. And so went my advice to a friend about a situation they found themselves facing. Sometimes the temptation we, as leaders, face is to try to generate sweeping changes all at one time, when in reality the most effective change happens when we pick our spots. If …

Simple Shifts

Since I started writing here two years ago, I have always moved back and forth in content from personal observations about leadership to lessons I was learning while trying to teach the three questions to a group of students to lessons about leadership I was learning (or struggling to learn) …

Having a Plan

What are you doing to develop your personal leadership? I ask this question from time to time, and if you’re reading this, then I hope you would include this blog as part of it. But what else are you doing? Do you read books on leadership? TED talks? Audiobooks? Podcasts? …

Preparing, But First

The closer we get to the new year, the more excited I get about picking up some natural momentum. But first things first. If I want to prepare myself for a great 2020, I first have to pause and evaluate 2019. Last December I wrote a post (you can read …

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