you do, how you do it, and when you do it. Sometimes what you do works in your favor, but other times it doesn’t.
What’s Your Growth Plan?
I’ve been spending some time recently thinking about what it takes to grow. On occasion I will ask someone this question and won’t get much of a response. I think everyone wants to grow, but growth rarely happens without intentionality. Unless it’s weight gain. So let’s take a step toward …
Do You Self Sabotage This Way?
I’m grateful for my wife, most days. But yesterday was different. We were having a good conversation, filled with emotion, and she had to go and ask a question of me I didn’t want to answer. What’s worse, it’s a question I’ve learned to ask her over the years.
4 Surprising Insights for Growth
All in all, I was grateful for a day to reflect. I’ve not arrived as a leader, and I’m okay with that. But I’m trying to grow.
Happy New Year
I love the New Year. “Resolutions” are usually hit or miss as to what people think of them. I don’t know that I set actual resolutions, but I do try to lean into the rhythm and energy that comes with a new year.