The Power of an Aha Moment

Let’s talk about “Aha” moments. Those moments where someone says something and you almost instinctively push back, only to realize they’re right. One of my aha moments came about 10 years ago. I was serving bi-vocationally at the church where I grew up. We were seeing some good growth, but …

Can Dissatisfaction Be a Good Thing?

As we feel ourselves getting comfortable, often dissatisfaction proves to be the nudge we need to get out of a rut.

Feeling Stuck? Break Out of Your Ruts

Routines open the doors for growth and progress. Ruts suck the life out of us, keeping us trapped in a predetermined path.

4 Reasons I Have a Leadership Application

I am in the process of interviewing students who applied for our Student Leadership Team. The application process is two fold: a written application and an interview. The written application is a compilation of 9 questions. The questions help give me insight into how these students think about leadership–which is …

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