What if your frustration with meetings isn’t with meetings, but with meetings that have no clear purpose?
Make These Three Decisions Today To Unlock Your Leadership
We all face an abundance of decisions during the day. Some of those are as simple as what to wear, what to eat, when to eat and so on. But some decisions take a little more intentionality and thought.
Lessons from the Farm: Adapt for Progress
But at the end of the day, those transition moments were crucial. We had to pay attention and respond appropriately, knowing the long term goal superseded the immediate situation.
The 1st Question You Need to Answer for Leadership Growth
Ultimately, however, whoever you are and however you found this post, every single one of us has to answer one question before we embark on a leadership journey.
Developing a Student Leadership Team: Know Your Who
My job is not to build great leaders. My job is to maximize the leadership potential in front of me.