Have you ever had a light bulb moment? Maybe you were driving in your car and a statement from earlier in the day popped into your head, followed by a moment of clarity. Maybe you’ve been wrestling with an issue for quite some time, then while brushing your teeth, it …
It’s All About Perspective
Do you remember being a child and watching clouds, trying to imagine what shape they’re making? “Ooh, there’s a lion.” “Whoa, look at the mountain!” “Hey, that looks like a centaur attacking a cat.” As a parent, I thoroughly enjoy hearing my girls talk about what a cloud looks like, …
2 Key Traits for Student Leaders
Have you ever noticed some people look at situations differently than you? A few years ago, I heard a radio personality talk about how science has proven women and men look at cleanliness differently. Women actually see dirt more easily than men. It’s not that they have some sort of …
Looking Back at 2018
I think looking back is important. I find encouragement in data. But the most important thing is looking forward. As we look forward for 3 Question Leadership and 2019, I can’t wait for what comes next. Until 2019, as we get fully settled into December, I thought I would take …
The Failure of Leadership
Do you ever feel like a failure? Over the past week I have had a couple people make mention of my leadership skillfulness (my word, not theirs). At the moment, however, I feel like a leadership failure. The ministry here has a hit an interesting spot, and one I am …