3 Signs to Know It’s Time to Start a Student Leadership Program

How do you know when it is time to start implementing a student leadership program? Here are three signs I’m using.

Powerful Leadership

To say I’m in a new season of personal leadership development would be an understatement. I stumbled onto the three questions almost by accident, but at my last church was able to establish a culture of leadership and service that fit really well with the mindset of the three questions. …

That’s What We Do

Monday night I attended a band concert for my oldest daughter. As I was sitting in a chair watching her band-mates leave in droves and wondering where she was, I realized what was happening through a conversation we had a week earlier. “We show up early and stay late. That’s …

Leadership is Tough

Leadership is tough. The constant battle that wages war between finding a groove and not being satisfied with where things are can take a toll over time. Comfort versus progress provide the background for an ongoing tension. That’s where vision and focus come into play. During seasons where comfort starts …

Make the Room Better

I generally rival elephants when it comes to my memory. Is that right? Do elephants have an incredible capability for memory? Okay, well, honestly, I generally forget most things. But there’s one Sunday in high school I still remember. I went to a small church in a small town. The …

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