If you were going to ask someone you lead what their goal is, how would they answer? More importantly, would their answer match yours?
What’s Wrong With a Temporary Fence?
If you’re like me, I struggle to get started because I want permanent from the get-go. But sometimes temporary gets the ball rolling, and we add structure down the road.
Two Repeating Threads for Leadership
Learning to not hold people to a standard I only have in my head has allowed me to extend grace to those I lead, and honestly helps limit self-generated frustrations along the way.
Do You Ever Forget Things?
Don’t get me wrong, they were trying to make a difference, I was just asking a bad question. A question that put them on a path other than I wanted them on.
Willingness Matters
I would rather have a potential leader who is incredibly willing and somewhat talented than a potential leader who is incredibly talented and somewhat willing.