We can’t hold someone to a standard they don’t know exists.
3 Ways to Make the Most of Mistakes
But what you do on the back side is what will set you apart as a leader.
Teach Others the Power of Evaluation
If you are someone who has aspirations to develop other leaders, let me issue this charge to you: learn to evaluate. Don’t settle for mediocre or okay. Feed the drive and desire to make what you’re doing even better.
Find a Delicate Balance
I have a question for you today: how much of what you believe about yourself is because of what you tell yourself, or because of what others tell you? I have a pretty harsh inner critic. I’m constantly battling self-doubt and thoughts of not being able to stand up to …
Is This The Hardest Part of Leadership?
But in the midst of the mundane, there is beauty. In the midst of the repetition, there is opportunity.