I played sports in high school. I was a multi-sport athlete because I went to a small school and that’s what you did. Possibly my favorite sport was tennis. I was not very good, but I was decent. My doubles partner and I had a unique style, and one that …
Where Does Learning Originate?
On Tuesday I wrote about learning from everyone, and I got some good response from it. If you missed it, click here to read it. Shortly after posting, I had a conversation that centered around the concept of the post, specifically what makes a great leader. So, what do you …
Learn from Everyone
I had a good friend send me a podcast to listen to yesterday. It was John Maxwell on the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, and I’m grateful I listened. During the podcast, John was asked who he was learning from currently in his life. His response–everyone. My cynical side took over …
Learning to Ask for Help
I had a conversation with a student last night. It’s slowly becoming one of my favorite leadership conversations to have with teenagers. There are some changes in the future (I’ll post more about that in a few weeks), but this student runs the computer on Wednesday nights at church. He …
Grief and Joy
I mentioned this last week, and still don’t think I’m fully ready for this, but here goes. My father-in-law passed away on January 29. It was, for us, a long process, but in reality, a pretty quick progression. He was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in the esophagus and stomach, …