Practice makes perfect, or so the saying goes. The past few years I have coached my oldest daughter’s basketball team. Right or wrong, one of the things I made them do was work on shots from the block. I wanted them to be able to make a shot close to …
What’s Your Plan?
Having a plan of attack always helps me. Sure, I can shoot from the hip as well as most people, but there are some things where having a plan is just better. When I started this blog three years ago, I did not have a solid plan, other than a …
Taking the Leadership Leap
I don’t write about the three questions regularly these days, but that doesn’t mean they don’t impact me. After all, this blog is named after them. Just a quick refresher, the three questions are: What needs to be done? (Awareness) What can I do? (Willingness) Who can I get to …
4 Reasons I Have a Leadership Application
I am in the process of interviewing students who applied for our Student Leadership Team. The application process is two fold: a written application and an interview. The written application is a compilation of 9 questions. The questions help give me insight into how these students think about leadership–which is …
Multiplication by Invitation
Have you ever considered the people around you who yearn for a role? When we enter into a leadership position, we are often faced with a few key decisions: What is our leadership style going to be? How will we relate to those around us? What is our greatest contribution …