The Power of the 3 Questions

A couple weeks ago we were on the back end of our youth room remodel, and our deadline (Wednesday night) was approaching fast.  I was spending the majority of my time that week trying to rearrange, clean up, and reassemble the room. I had both of my daughters with me …

Check It Out: Recent Musings

Well, this week is just going to be a little different altogether. On Tuesday, I posted about my oldest daughter turning 11. Today, I would like to share a few posts whose concepts and ideas have crossed my mind this week, so get ready for a few links. But before …

Leadership and an Airport Terminal

Currently, I’m sitting in an airport terminal in Richmond, Virginia. A combination of mechanical issues, weather, and vacation chaos has culminated in a delayed flight (sitting at 3+ hour delay so far, and that doesn’t count the fact we were at the airport early!). Some things are out of our …

3 Ways to Overcome Mistakes

Over the course of the summer I was able to sit down with student leaders from different churches and help them grow in their concept of what leadership looks like. One week, over our time together, we had two people share a similar message: leaders make mistakes. Today, I want …

Leadership Lessons from the Cleveland Indians

On July 10, 2018, the Cleveland Indians had an unfortunate situation arise. The Manager, Terry Francona, walked out to the mound in the 9th inning to call in a relief pitcher for the closer, and the wrong pitcher walked out of the bullpen. You can read more about what happened …

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