We all face an abundance of decisions during the day. Some of those are as simple as what to wear, what to eat, when to eat and so on. But some decisions take a little more intentionality and thought.
This Might Be the Best Hidden Gem I’ve Found
Yesterday I stumbled onto a podcast interview with Doug Franklin, founder of Leadertreks.org, and it was solid gold.
You Guessed It, Redundancy
I’m going to take a pause from the series I’ve been going through to share a real time thought. Leadership requires redundancy. I’ve said this over and over, and I’ll keep saying it. Here are three reasons why: Vision requires reminding. Everyone in an organization needs to be reminded why …
Developing a Student Leadership Team: Know Your Who
My job is not to build great leaders. My job is to maximize the leadership potential in front of me.
Developing a Student Leadership Team: Know Your Why
Why do we need to learn this? When will I ever use this in real life? And so goes the familiar refrain in math classes all over the country. The core question being asked reveals an innate desire in each of us: we want to understand why? As we learn …